Saturday, January 31, 2015

Gaining Health, Losing Weight and Real Food

According to the National Health Center statistics 2 out of 3 adults in the United States are overweight, and 1 out of 3 adults are considered to be obese

That's crazy!  When you read that, how does that make you feel?  How did this happen? What is going on in America that this could really be true?

former fat mom gets fit
June 2014 with my children

I look at this picture, and at the time this was taken, I was happy, but not healthy. I was one of those 'obese' people. It is hard to write that, but it is true. I am working my way to being a healthier person in many ways and it has been successful. I was caught in the convenient food trap like many others and could not find an effective way to change my lifestyle.

"When I grow up I want to be an overweight adult" said no one, ever. Still many of us continue to make small, unhealthy choices that over time continue to diminish our health and the health of the next generation. I have a very clear message to share if you want to read it:  EAT REAL FOOD! What we feed our bodies is 80% of the weight loss battle.

Stuck in the food-like product era
We are caught in an economy where food-like products rule supreme because they are CHEAP and convenient. Cheap in every sense of the word.  Processed "foods" offer very little nutrition for very little cost. These products contribute to obesity because these products are NOT FOOD and contain things that if you were aware of the industrial uses for some of the ingredients you would not want in your body, or the bodies of  your children and loved ones. Convenience 'foods' are contributing to the obesity epidemic at an alarming rate.

Is trying to get healthy becoming overwhelming?
I used to buy vitamins, supplements, probiotics, fish oils, flax oil, and the list goes on. It was expensive and very time consuming looking for the best products.  I wanted a simpler and more convenient way to feed my body what it needed. I was "busy." I really struggled because I did not know what I was doing. I was reading everything I could, trying to gather information, but I still was not losing the weight I wanted to lose. I did not make time to exercise and when I did, I felt overwhelmed with the whole process.

Trying to find healthy foods that are convenient
I was skipping meals a few years ago. I would often grab the most convenient thing I could find and shove it down in a hurry (doesn't help with the digestion). I have an organized and full schedule, and want to spend time with  my family and not always shopping for the best nutrition products and figuring out what to do with them. If I could just find one meal, could prepare something in less than two minutes (yeah right), and have it be the healthiest meal of my day, I would surely go for that. And then I found it.

german chocolate shake
German Chocolate Cake - Shakeology
Dense, convenient nutrition
Shakeology. If you look at the ingredient list it will shock you. It shocked me. I had no idea something like this existed and I felt like I found a gold mine. It is:
  1. Real food
  2. Convenient
  3. Delicious
  4. Promotes healthy eating habits
  5. Supports weight loss
  6. Enormously nutritious (contains 70 superfoods)

I drink it every day.  When asked if I will ever stop drinking it, my answer is no. Would you stop eating healthy if it helps you meet your nutrition goals? It provides me with an amazing amount of nutrition and boosts my health every day and provides me with everything I am looking for. I feel so strongly about this product that I recommend it to my friends whether they have weight to lose or not. The company stands behind it with a money back guarantee. It has aided me in losing 30 pounds to date.

Are you ready to gain health, and lose weight along the way?
You may wake up and decide that today is the day I start striving for better health. Where do I start? Start small and ask for help if you do not have the knowledge or the tools. You can click on my 'free membership' tab to learn more about how I can help you find a way to become healthier without feeling so overwhelmed. I have been there, I understand, and having help is easier than going it alone.
January 2015 after losing 30 pounds

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